Tuesday, 23 September 2014


1. What is creativity?
 Creativity is expressing unique and innovative ideas

2. How can you be more creative?
I can be more creative by thinking outside the box, not always going for straightforward solutions/answers.

3. Where does it come from?
Creativity comes from aspects of our lives we see everyday and learning how to challenge and interpret them differently.

4. What role does it play in creating a media production?
Creativity plays a significant role in creating a media production as producers and directors are always looking to express new and unique ideas through media platforms such as music videos because they want their videos to stand out and be memorable for being original and innovative, subsequently resulting in a larger profit.

Creativity depends on... taking a chance, if you're not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original. 

Creativity is... being prepared to take chances, being prepared to be wrong and being prepared to think about things in a different way

I agree with this statement because in education today it is clear that students fear being wrong and so therefore don't try at all, worrying that they will be laughed at or not taken seriously, resulting in students keeping quiet and never trying to challenge an idea. 


I think this helps you to be more creative but not necessarily automatically makes you creative.

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