Friday 10 October 2014

Planning: five sections of our music video

In this post I will explain the storyline of our indie music video. Within our music video we will switch between shots of our artist on her own and the narrative part of our music video, the story about the artist and her boyfriend.

1. At the beginning of the video, our artist (and character in the narrative) will be shown on her own playing the guitar as the music begins. The beginning location will feature our artist on a stage (setting: Ludlow Assembly rooms) as this scene will almost foreshadow what will happen further on in the video and also highlights that she is in the present, as our video will switch between the past and present.

2. The second stage of our music video will feature a series of flashbacks, which we will signify through a hazy, grainy camera effect to highlight to change in time. The flashbacks will be a part of our narrative, and will show memories of the couple (our artist and her then boyfriend) walking through town together, holding hands, laughing and joking.

3.  In the third section of our music video, one memory will feature a scene of the couple sitting in the forest together, with the male character teaching the girl how to play guitar, thus alluding to our final idea of the video that her boyfriend taught her how to play guitar when they were in a relationship in the past, and now she is an aspiring singer. Locations: town, forest, river, background of nice houses.

4.  In the fourth section, the girl in the music video will appear on stage practising playing her guitar and singing. The audience will be empty as she is practising for a show she will be playing later on that evening. We will show the aspect of a music show via a shot of a music poster advertising her 'concert'.

5. In the fifth section, as the girl is practising on stage, she will have her eyes closed as she is concentrating on her performance. Towards the end of the music video, her ex- boyfriend (who taught her how to play guitar, and is subsequently happy and shocked that she is now fulfilling her dream of singing/playing guitar) walks into the room whilst she is performing to an empty audience, and as the last lyric 'Try' is said our artist looks up and sees him enter and smiles as he claps.

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